Thursday 13 March 2014

Poster Mock-Up

This is a poster I had made for a recent film in order to extend my skills on making posters for my coursework. This had enabled me to work on photoshop and use skills I have gained from other subjects in other aspects of my work. Making this poster had allowed me to practice making a poster which will allow me to make sure the final poster for my film trailer will be to the best of my ability as I have had time to practice using all the different elements and conventions to make a film poster. I had chosen to make a poster on the film 'The Hunger Games' as it is of a different genre to the trailer my pair is working on, which had also allowed me to research different aspects of posters from different genres, films like romance usually have the couple as the centre focus of the poster whereas genres such as horror or thriller have the item or person of which inflicts the fear in the plot of the story. Conventions like these are what allows the viewer to see the genre of the film by slight differences from the font, the colour of the font, the main image and the institution of the film.

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