Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Digital Technology

When creating our trailer we had used the program iMovie in order to edit our film. We had chosen this program over final cut as we felt that it was less complicated to use which had given us the advantage to progress with our project. When using the program we had extended on our knowledge of using it from AS level as this coursework had a higher technical coverage that was required from making our own music and a range of cuts to incorporate into the trailer.
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When making the music we had used Garage Band which had enabled us access to many different sounds that we could use in making our music. Using this had also extend our knowledge from last years coursework as we had to make our own music where as last year it was optional. This had benefitted us as we had contributed more to the technical aspects of our overall product.
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During the process of making our film I had also used Photoshop in order to create the billing block and the poster and magazine. I had already known how to use Photoshop due to using it in another subject, again extending my skills and how to use them in my coursework.
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During the research for our trailer we had used YouTube in order to compare different genres and conventions of their trailers. This had helped us as we had access to many different trailers for us to gain ideas and make comparisons between our own and other trailers.

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