Friday 28 March 2014

Evaluation 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

From our audience feedback we had learnt what had worked well and what hadn't. We had posted our Poster on the social media website Facebook in order to gain feedback on what people would change and went well with the overall outcome of our poster. This had helped us make changes within the poster to make it more realistic rather than leaving it to be the same. We had changed our poster from our original as we had added the release dates onto the poster to make it look more professional apposed to our first attempt.

We had then posted our film onto YouTube and Facebook in order to get more feedback on how our trailer was perceived by the public. We had found that many people pick up on the amount of cuts and titles there are in the trailer, which i feel are what makes the trailer catching to the audience. The feedback we had gained had allowed us to reflect on the decisions we had made when making our film also making us think about why we had made those decisions. We had arranged the music in our film to highlight the main parts in the trailer in order to engage the reader to what was happening. In the beginning of the film we had used a wind sound that accompanied the institutions and the age certificate. This makes them stand out as there is a sound at the beginning of the trailer which will let the viewer/audience know that it had started also making the trailer flow more with the sounds mildly overlapping so the blend in together. This helps the overall events and aspects of the trailer flow well together. The flow of the trailer was picked up in feedback as there were many comments of the transitions and titles with how the moved and connected the trailer and the aspects of the genre.

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