Thursday, 13 March 2014

How I Created Horrorific Aspects

When filming our trailer we had many ideas of the shots that we wanted to incorporate. This would have allowed us to make the trailer more interesting to the viewers and have a variety of shots and angles. We had incorporated shots such as dripping blood into water which would add a sense of danger to our trailer, adding a slight aspect of gore. We had also shot a bloody hand falling into the water with the blood dispersing which also added the sense of gore to the overall outcome.

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Throughout the trailer there are shots of people running with someone chasing after them, showing the victimisation of the characters in the trailer. This adds a sense of horrific aspects through the audience looking at the film as if it was them which was running as we had filmed the running scenes to show that the camera was the murderer with a higher status compared to the victims.

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Another horrific aspect of our trailer was the music which consisted of a loud guitar riff and a low drum beat which created suspense to the trailer and the events that were happening. We had chosen music like this in order to catch the viewers attention as for when they are watching. The music starts off quietly then becomes louder so that the audience can hear a calm peaceful guitar tune up until the main body of the trailer kicks in which is when the louder music starts to play, letting the viewer know that it is the interesting bit.

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