Thursday, 6 March 2014

Genres of Films

There are many different genres of films some of which people prefer more than others. There are the main genres such as romance, rom-com (romance comedy), Thriller, Horror, Sci-Fi, Comedy and animation.

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Genres such as animation are made more for the younger ages, many Disney films are animation which people assosiate with children as Walt Disney was a childrens author. Animations also take the longest to make as there are many different drawings used in order to make the whole film. These are the reasons as to why we did not use this genre.

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Romance is a popular genre with females in the teenager and young adult stage of the life cycle. Romance films usually involve a good looking man and women and follows their stroy through how they meet and fall in love. We did not choose this genre as we didn't feel like we had the correct setting in which we could film as many romaces are set in cities and capitals such as New York.

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The Rom-Com genre is harder to pull off than most genres as there needs to be an equal balance between the romance and comedy aspects of the film otherwise it will be more one genre than the other. We didn't choose this genre as we felt we wouldn't be caught in the ideas we had to work on a trailer of this genre.

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Comedy is one of the most loved genres as they make the audience laugh and engages them in the storyline and events in the film. Comedy trailers also seem to engage the audience more than other genres as they show them a teaser of the main comedy in the film, making them want to see it to see what happens. We didn't choose this genre for our film as we felt it would challenge our skills too much rather than let us expand on them positively.

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Thrillers are sometimes on the boarderline between the Horror and real-life genres of films, sometimes leaning more towards one than the other. These films are usually made to put the audience on edge rather than scare them in order for them to engage in the events of the film.We didn't choose this genre for our trailer as we felt the balance would be too challenging to portray to the audience as they may get confussed with which genre the film is meant to be.

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Horror genres is one of the easiest to portray as once you get into the mindset of being scared it is more achievable to portray horrific aspects to the audience. Usuing some of the aspects in the trailer works as it hooks the audience, making them want to see the full story of the film and how the event had came around. We had chosen this genre for our trailer as we felt we could produce a piece of work that we will be proud of.

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