Wednesday, 11 December 2013


We had thought about what types of characters should be involved in the story line of the film with every aspect chosen to link to the age group we are mostly aiming towards. For instance if we were making a trailer to aim towards maturer adults we would most likely have the main character to be an adult or young adult. This would appeal more to the older age groups as it would make the film feel more mature rather than a horror film with the main character being a teenager. 
This would link to the film if the main character of the film was a teenager appealing more to that age group as that they would be at the same life stage as the viewers. 
We have also been thinking about names for characters and the different types of characters that would be in the trailer, obviously the trailer would be showing the main characters more than the others. this is done to entice people to see the film if they are a fan of the main character of the film, also using it as a selling point.

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The names that we have came up with for the main female in the film are:
  • Sam - We had chosen this as a possibility as we had felt it had a sense of masculinity with it being a uni-sex name, indicating that the male characteristics of the character are shown.
  • Charlotte - This was an option as we had thought it was a nice everyday name.
  • Ruth - We had thought of this one as we felt it had a nice sound to it and would give the character a nice feel.
  • Alice - We had chosen this as a possibility as it had a sense of innocence to it as we usually associate the name Alice with the classic FairyTale immediately making the audience think of her to be weak.
  • Lori - We had chosen this as an option as we thought it was an out-of-the-ordinary name and would maybe make the audience connect with her more.
  • Elena - This is an option as we felt it had a lot of character in itself not being a very well-used name.
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The names that we have came up with for the main male in the film are:

  • Alex - We had chose this name as we thought that as it is a uni-sex name we could use it as a possibilty for both lead characters.
  • Andrew - We had chose this name as we could shorten it in many different ways to Andy, Andre or Drew so we thought it gave us versatility.
  • Josh - We thought that this was a good name for a character as there are many films with a male named Josh and it would fit with the genre. 
  • Liam - This is an option as we felt it would be good to have a possible name for a younger character if we choose to have one. 
  • Peter - We had chosen this as a possibilty as it had a sense of innocence to it as we usually associate the name Peter with the childhood story of Peter Pan so this would make the audience feel connected to the character.
  • Karl - This is an option as we felt it was versatile with the age of the character we gave it too so we could use it for a younger child and an older man. 

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