Friday 28 March 2014

Evaluation 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

From our audience feedback we had learnt what had worked well and what hadn't. We had posted our Poster on the social media website Facebook in order to gain feedback on what people would change and went well with the overall outcome of our poster. This had helped us make changes within the poster to make it more realistic rather than leaving it to be the same. We had changed our poster from our original as we had added the release dates onto the poster to make it look more professional apposed to our first attempt.

We had then posted our film onto YouTube and Facebook in order to get more feedback on how our trailer was perceived by the public. We had found that many people pick up on the amount of cuts and titles there are in the trailer, which i feel are what makes the trailer catching to the audience. The feedback we had gained had allowed us to reflect on the decisions we had made when making our film also making us think about why we had made those decisions. We had arranged the music in our film to highlight the main parts in the trailer in order to engage the reader to what was happening. In the beginning of the film we had used a wind sound that accompanied the institutions and the age certificate. This makes them stand out as there is a sound at the beginning of the trailer which will let the viewer/audience know that it had started also making the trailer flow more with the sounds mildly overlapping so the blend in together. This helps the overall events and aspects of the trailer flow well together. The flow of the trailer was picked up in feedback as there were many comments of the transitions and titles with how the moved and connected the trailer and the aspects of the genre.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Evaluation 4 - How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?


We had used technologies such as YouTube and Google when constructing our trailer. We had used these from gaining ideas of what to use when making our own. When constructing our trailer we had listed horror/thriller films that we thought we could gain ideas from to help us think of a story line for our trailer. When looking at the other trailers we had used YouTube, which we had used in other aspects of our planning and research. YouTube is fairly new to the technology side of media as it has started airing online in late 2006 and had been constructed in 2005. Whereas Google had started in 1998 which is obviously older than the newer website of YouTube. We had used YouTube as it has allowed us to find any video we had needed to help us with creating our trailer. 


We had used technologies such as YouTube and Garage Band when researching for our trailer. We had used YouTube to look at many other horror films to gain ideas of the typical conventions that were involved into the overall outcome of the film and trailer. This was in order to find reasoning's as to why the titles were a specific colour or why that name was chosen in particular for the film. We had used garage band in order to create different songs for our trailer. Having different choices when we had came to finishing our trailer and choosing a track for the music, helped us as we had a few to choose from instead of only having one. This had helped us with being more prepared when our initial trailer is finished allowing us to make a better decision as to which sound we would prefer for the trailer.


When planning our trailer we had used technologies such as YouTube and Garage Band which had allowed us to search many different sounds in order to generate ideas that we could use in our own trailer. When planning we had also used Microsoft word in order to write down our ideas.

During evaluation I had used new media technologies such as Prezie, which had allowed me to present my findings in a different way. Using this technology had also allowed me to expand on my knowledge of new media technologies, I had also used the footpath layout as it had symbolized the journey through the making of our trailer. I had used simple colours in order to make it pleasant and clean to look at. When creating our evaluations we had also recorded audio of us evaluating and had created a short video on our evaluations also putting the relevant picture to back up our points.

Evaluation 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Comparing Trailers With My Own

When researching into horror film trailers we had noticed that the overall presentation of Eden Lake had connected with our own. Our trailers were similar from the setting as they were both filmed around a woods which often lets the audience know of the genre of the trailer. There is a small difference between the trailers as in Eden Lake the trailer shows the main characters in the woods at night time as well as daytime, whereas our film the events take place during the day in order to challenge typical conventions of a horror film. Another similar aspect is the parts filmed in the bathroom.
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Another trailer we thought was similar in the aspect of the length is Nothing Left To Fear, which entails many aspects and conventions of the horror genre. In our trailer, we had also used different conventions in a shorter time to other trailers which we feel has a bigger impact on the audience and keeps them engaged in what is happening from the pace of the trailer.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Poster Development

This is our updated version of our film poster. From our first poster we hadn't really changed much of the bulk of the conventions, only added the 'coming soon' and '31.10.2014' so that it looked more like a professional poster.

Final Poster

This is the final edit of our poster for our promotional package.

We had edited the poster like this as we thought having the boarders of the image blacked out created a sense of darkness to the overall outcome.