Friday 28 February 2014


For some feedback on films we had passed out a questionnaire to people from our family and friends to let us know what they thought about horror movies. These are the questions we had put on our questionnaire:

What gender are you?

Male              Female

What is your age group?

12 - 15         15-18          18-25          25+

How much on a scale of one to ten, do you enjoy horror movies?


Which is your favorite horror film? If other please state.

Saw             Nightmare on elm street             Last house on the left             Scream                Other


What type of horror films do you prefer? If other please state.

Sci-Fi            Paranormal            Gore             Supernatural            Other


What scares you the most? If other please state.

Spiders           The dark           Blood             The unknown              Other


What conventions of a horror film do you think creates most tension? If other please state.

Scenes that make you jump           Scenes that create suspense               Music                Other


What do you feel builds the tension the most in a film? If other please state.

Music          Titles           Silence           Other


Thursday 6 February 2014

Music Inspiration

These are the rock/alternative songs that had influenced the type of music for our film. We had wanted a deep bass line that would be the building blocks for our music, this was also important as this is what leads the rest of the music. We had then wanted a strong drum beat to give the music a bigger structure and body. We felt as though this would allow our film to have a larger effect on the viewer if we had a louder rockier sound to it which also resembled the anger and torment we usually see within horror films. I had also thought that this style of music had   

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Music 2

This is our second attempt at the music for our video as we felt the first one was lacking something important.