Monday 27 January 2014


This is our first attempt at the music for our trailer. We had constructed the music by using a quieter happy sound at the beginning of the track which later changes into a more intense loud sound in order to create suspension when the trailer shows more of the danger aspect to the plot. This was in order to engage the viewer into the trailer making a larger impact on the audience. We had made the music louder to let the audience know that it isnt a good thing thats happening and using a guitar fits in with the raw intensity of the trailer.

Thursday 23 January 2014


This is a table showing how we are going to manage our time with our coursework. It shows most of the steps that are included in making a film/trailer, although this is only a rough draft of our time and will stick to it as rough guidelines of the stages in producing our final trailer.

Wednesday 22 January 2014


These are different types of font i had come up with for the title of the film. These fonts have been drawn by hand for rough copies but when it comes to the final decision of the font for our title it will be digital. 
We have even though about keepi g the title looking cartoony and editing it on photoshop in order to keep the raw aspect to the whole of our trailer.

Film Names

There are many different names that my partner and i had come up with for the title of our film, these are:

  • Tangibles - To be treated as fact
  • Paraphernalia - Personal belongings
  • False/Under false pretense
  • Distort
  • Phoney
  • Hush
  • Out of the way
  • Incognito
  • Cipher - Kept hidden/unrevealed
  • Pseudo - Unknown

Our two favorites are Cipher and Pseudo as we feel they work well with to plot of the film. They also have a creepy feel to how they sound. 

Wednesday 15 January 2014


This is a collage of typical costumes of horror characters. I had done this in order to compare different conventions of characters and how they are portrayed. We can see in many of them that they have cuts and bruises getting across the horror side of their character. Others use masks like Jason from Friday the 13th. We can also see from looking at the images that typical horror characters use different conventions in their look in order to create fear.

Costumes for a victim in a horror movie are completely different in the aspect of the colours and styles of their clothes. For instance colours such as pale yellows and pink highlight the victim in the films, which are also mainly women.

Peer Assessments

Emily Davies-Good Progress to the blog, you have put in a good range of research to help in creating your film trailer. The blog is clear in its genre with the use of different materials. The analysing is good and links well to the work. However would be even better if you applied more blogs that allow people to thoroughly understand your project. Talk about the script, the plan and costume designs.

Emma Mills - Need more media focused terminology and need to expand on the post as they have no explaintion of how they will help you with your trailer. The presentation as use of other media was good also having a good presentation. 13/02/2014

Laura Wynne - Your blog so far shows that you have evidence to justify your findings and your choices as a part of your project. Within your blog you have shown that you can use a variety of different media and skills to project and show others what you understand my your project. However  would suggest using more media based terminology and having explained your points further. 13/03/2014